Sunday, March 8, 2009

Update from RMI Client Jenny

* Note Jenny will be climbing Mt Rainier with RMI on May 27-May 31, she will be blogging once in awhile to update us on her progress*

Well, it’s been two weeks since my ‘call to self’ to begin a motivated training regime for the climb in May. For all the enthusiasm, it’s been, sorry to say, a bit of a slow start as it is has been hard to find the time for exercise. Ok, I can blame my 10-12 hour a day job, the fact that I am also in the middle of apt hunting for a new place to live as I near the end of my lease, desperately trying to maintain a social life and just general shear exhaustion from all of the above. Or, I can accept that they are all excuses to some degree. Real barriers, but still excuses.

So what did I manage to get done? I am stretching and doing core strength exercises everday- not a full 30 minutes as planned but still something everyday. I did manage one good session with my wonderful friend Amanda (who is in training for a half marathon) at the gym in her apartment building, and a whole lotta walking, what with looking at new places to live and the 1 hour round trip to work everyday. I seem to be looking at apts on upper floors in walk ups so indirectly have been getting a bit of a work out on stairs. Did I not mention previously that it works best if it is integrated into my daily activities? I also did some extra mental preparation and watched the Everest Imax film on Netflix and was blown away by the shear beauty of being on the mountain so I am still pretty excited about it all. Finally, for the first time ever, I have started taking note of how much fat and sugar is in my food and trying to limit this and eat as much fresh fruit and veg as someone who is lazy about eating can handle for the meantime. Small steps but all in the right direction I say!

My next tasks- Due to a cold snap and snowstorm this week, there wasn’t any outdoor running or cycling. Hopefully that is the last I see this winter of the ice, snow and consequential road salt which tends to wreak havoc on my bike, and so can begin to play outdoors again. However, over the next two week my core focus is going to be to incrementally squeeze in more work out sessions with Amanda who had about the same amount of success with her preparation. Hopefully we can motivate each other to up the ante and FIND the time we need each week to achieve the ultimate goals we have set!

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